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All of my projects have a story to tell. Some are more obvious than others.

Here is my story:


I've always been fascinated with how things work.  As a child I would take apart toys to discover their inner workings and to see how the gears, levers, and switches operated together.  As I grew older, I developed a passion for classic automobiles.  When the Steampunk and industrial-decor trend started to take shape, I found myself wanting to create automotive-themed decor.  I had a couple of 1940's Stromberg carburetors which were the perfect bases for my first lamps.

From that point forward I began scouring auctions and yard sales for potential projects.  While most of my projects have an automotive theme, I snag anything I think would make a nice piece.  There's nothing better than combining unrelated items into useful objects.  I truly enjoy getting a vision in my mind and building it in real life.  Sometimes things come together exactly how I imagined, some are better than expected, and some don't work.  In any case, I learn something from every project and put a piece of myself into each of them.

I would like to acknowledge my wife and children.  They have been unwavering in their support through the countless hours spent in the workshop, photo studio, and on the computer.  They are always there to bounce ideas off of and have learned to say "okay" when I pick up a random object and exclaim "I'm going to make a lamp out of it!" I love you three.

I would also like to thank my mom.  She survived the jabbed feet and broken vacuums from the disassembled toys of my youth.  She has always been my biggest supporter and is always there to give encouragement.  She bought me my first classic truck and never tried to stifle my creativity.  Thanks mom.

Thank you for reading my story.  I hope that you enjoy my projects or they inspire you to build something yourself.  The world is full of fun objects, you just have to see their potential and believe in your creativity.

- Montana Danford-Komenda (Owner and Maker)

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